MTWT Impact Report

The mission was ‘Changing Lives Through Tennis’, it was them who changed mine.


After delivering to 28 countries, 100 communities and with over 11,500 children on the programme, we are excited to present our finding through our impact report 2018-2020. This tracks the progress of the children’s Health, Self-Confidence, Education and sense of Inclusion over the three years of community delivery. We received 24 surveys back from 5 of the communities, with 1122 children surveyed c.10% of all children on the programme, from the beginning of their tennis journey to now.

Impact report here.

Press release here.

This has been a passion project that has gone above and beyond where I ever thought it could go. With the impact shown across the communities, it has been a truly humbling and life changing experience.

This impact report has been a chance to revisit the journey, reflect, be thankful and celebrate all we have achieved. Hopefully this can continue to inspire and be used as best practice for more global community projects moving forward, like the recent partnership with the Lawn Tennis Accossication and International Tennis Federation.

We look to gain further support to continue in the coming years. Thank you for all your continued contributions from our sponsors and followers, it means to much to those involved, from the community leaders to the children receiving the equipment. This is for all my friends, family and all those people I met on along the journey. Thank you x